Our Story
Dream Designers has been a labor of love throughout the years. From me helping a friend in Myrtle Beach, to Jason doing various DJ gigs around town. When Jason and I met in 2013, little did we know that both of our side interests would also fall right in line as well. Flash Forward 9 years. Now, here we are helping couples become one, planning big family events together and designing peoples dream events/weddings into everything they wanted. In 2020, the wedding and event business became very uncertain and the world turned upside down to say the least! With all the ups and downs of the years it became very apparent I needed some help! We both realized that our once small little side interest was not so small anymore. So we branched out and hired assistants! They have been a true help with everything. I do not know how I managed any of this without them! They are helping us take Dream Designer Events to the next level. With their help, we all look forward to designing all your weddings, events and other gatherings exactly everything you dreamed of.